Other Tips and Troubleshooting:
1. Before starting your planting project, make sure the area you will be plugging in has moist soil. Plug after a good soaking rain or run a sprinkler a day or two in advance. Moist, but not muddy soil is the key.
2. If your tool gets clogged, don’t bang it on hard surfaces like cement. This may dent the tool. Also, don’t shove something down the inside of the tube to push the clog out. It usually makes things worse. Follow the directions on Avoiding Clogs – Tips and Tricks above.
3. If you hit a rock while plugging, move over and continue plugging. If you hit a rock while plugging grass, you may want to remove the rock so it won’t inhibit root growth. Simply use a screwdriver to pop the rock out and continue plugging.
4. To fill holes created by the ProPlugger, use compost or bagged potting mix or garden soil. For more information, read How To Fill Holes Made With the 5-IN-1 Planting Tool.
5. To create a larger planting hole for bulbs or for annuals and vegetables grown in cell packs, simply widen the hole by stepping down on the ProPlugger footpegs 2 or 3 times in the same area.
6. Empty the 5-IN-1 of all plugs and spray the inside and outside of the tool after each use. Dried dirt and clay can cause future clogs and are difficult to remove once hardened.
For tips on specific projects, read the blog posts on this website